Thursday, December 2, 2010

World Changer

A world changer is someone who impacts and influences a group of people either for good or bad. I truly believe that I am a world changer that influenced and impacted people for the good. With all the achievements and honorary degrees that I was I given, I believe that people had a respect for both myself and my works of poetry and looked up to me as a positive influence. I believe that I received the ability to positively influence and impact people because of who I was involved with while doing all of my works. When you surround yourself with people that exemplify the epitome of someone who has the characteristics to impact and influence other people, their actions and ideas are going to rub off on you and change you for the best. The reason I think that I gained the experience needed to become a positive influence and impact other peoples lives from the people that I worked with is because I did not get the positive influence that I truly needed from my father who was addicted to alcohol and gambling. All heroes need to have some person that influenced and impacted their life in order to find out what characteristics are needed to influence and impact others. So rapping up, I believe that it was truly my works of poetry that changed the lives of many and I hope that their world was changed from the time and effort that I put into my works and the things that I did for other people. 

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